Sunday, August 17, 2008

Friends and Fun

For those of you that frequently check out this blog and have reminded me that I haven't posted recently, here you go...!

Alex and I went to Kansas City last weekend for a birthday party. Here he is with Cora Katzenberger (2 1/2) and Shelby Stein (2 - birthday girl). My friends Erika and Bev were both pregnant at the same time I was and these are our 2006 babies...getting big. It is fun to be able to visit and let the kids play.
Since I am usually the camera woman and rarely get into a picture with Alex, i thought I would include this one from the birthday party.
I got Alex these big cardboard blocks recently. He loves them. Here he is building a tower....only to knock it down. Over and over...

He also figured out that he can use the block as a step to get up onto the couch.
My friend Lauren brought her son Tanner over to play. Here they are having fun.

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