My parents went with me to the race. We drove down the day before to just hang out and relax before race day. I got to visit the OKC memorial, which is very nice. Below, you can see the reflection pond. And below that, the bronze chairs for each person that died in the bombing. Some of the chairs are represent the children that died. It was sad, but very moving.
The race was long. The beginning seemed to have a lot of hills. It was in the 40's with a strong wind at times. Luckily the rain had stopped. By mile 10 I was already contemplating when I may have to take some "walk-breaks". It wasn't the feeling I was hoping for so early in the race. By the second half, I had the wind to my back and the sun was coming out. This was a nice thing. I would stop every now and then to stretch and enjoy a water station. By the 20 mile mark I was very sore, but knew the end was in sight. I kept going....
Here I am headed to the finish line. It was nice to see mom and dad leaning on the rail cheering me on! I knew I had done it!
My main goal was to finish....and to finish under 5 hours was a great feeling.
I shouldn't quit my day job quite yet, though. The winning woman finished in just over 3 hours. The average was around 4.5 hours.
I was exhausted and just wanted to sit after the race...but with that finishers medal around my neck, you couldn't wipe the smile off my face.
I plan on taking a couple weeks off....maybe do some swimming or biking. But I know I'll be back out there soon enough. And who knows....maybe another marathon is in my future...